San Floriano Park
The park on San Floriano hill, owned by the Ing. Luigi Bazzi e madre Ida Foundation, is an outstanding example of environmental recovery; it is the only rural nature reserve park in Italy. It was officially opened in 1980 and acknowledged as rural in 1991. The park spreads all over the hill with orchards, pastures, woody slopes, enclosures for the livestock and refreshment areas. In 1998 it joined the Europarc Federation, an organisation for the protection of nature reserves in Europe.
The park is regarded as a genetic bank and has become a major reference point for students, agricultural experts and farmers. Catalogue orchards have been created with the aim of enhancing and preserving the native varieties of fruit. Bee-keeping and farm areas with cows, pigs, sheep, poultry and horses have also been established to preserve the genetic varieties of the zoological heritage.
On top of the hill there is an ancient church, partly built with salvaged Roman-age materials. The small building, dedicated to St Florian, rises on an important prehistoric and proto-historic site and boasts XIII and XIV cent. frescos of a very good quality.
Since 2014 the management of the park has been taken over by the Cooperativa Sociale Controvento that keeps the visitor centres open and is committed to continue the conservation project of the reserve. They organize musical events, games for children, courses in the development of breeding and agricultural techniques as well as guided excursions.
The paths that meander up and down the hill provide a unique self-guided itinerary to learn about the local flora and fauna. Visitors can experience the barefoot sensory trail, smell the perfumes of the herb garden, do sports and enjoy the flavours of the local products at the visitor centres where it is also possible to find accommodation for the night.