By consulting the NicePolcenigo website, you will be able to find information on the services present in the Polcenigo area and its surroundings simply and concretely, starting with web browsing.
You will therefore be able to learn about the events, activities and history of an area that offers beauty, entertainment and conviviality and always stay up to date on its news.
Magia di un Borgo Antico – Presepi a Polcenigo
Placed behind the windows of the houses that overlook the streets of the village and positioned in the most characteristic corners of the town, these works shed light on the historical, artistic and architectural heritage of the ancient village of Polcenigo. Plays of light and Christmas melodies accompany the visitor along the route creating a… -
Borc Antiquaria
From the third Sunday of April "Borc Antiquaria" will begin Antiques market with collectibles, accessories and objects from times gone by. Starting from Piazza Plebiscito, the market winds along Via Roma up to the small church of San Rocco. The event will be repeated every 3rd Sunday of the month. For those interested in participating… -
Treno dei Presepi e Mercatini di Natale
TRAIN WITH HISTORICAL MATERIAL Nativity Scene Train and Christmas Markets 17 December 2023 – from Gemona del Friuli to Sacile The Nativity Scenes and Christmas Markets train takes passengers from Gemona to Sacile along the historic railway, stopping in Poffabro and Polcenigo for the nativity scenes and Christmas markets. An evocative journey into the warm… -
Palù di Livenza 2024
Palù di Livenza 2024 The Palù di Livenza site is one of the oldest pile-dwelling sites in northern Italy. Due to the exceptional nature of the historical dating of the findings and the value of the archaeological area, in June 2011 Palù was included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. Thanks to the collaboration with… -
Thést 2024
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